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Anniversary bonus

An anniversary bonus may be paid to employees in the case of long-term employment with one employer. What are the conditions for receiving an anniversary bonus? This is briefly considered below.

An anniversary bonus (nagroda jubileuszowa) is paid to employees of budgetary organizations, certain professional groups (teachers, civil servants, etc.) for continuous work experience, starting from 20-25 years. For example, for civil service employees, the anniversary bonus is paid in the amount of:

The size of the anniversary bonus depends on the length of employment and the amount of salary.

The anniversary bonus is calculated in accordance with the rules for determining the amount of annual leave, taking into account the fixed and variable parts of the salary for periods of up to one month (on average 3 months) and more than one month (on average for a period of 12 months) preceding the month in which the right to the anniversary bonus was acquired.

The length of employment that gives the right to the anniversary bonus includes all completed periods of work and the following related to them:

Employers, commercial organizations are not limited in the right to apply and establish the terms of this reward. The anniversary bonus is a voluntary right of the employer. The condition on it can be included in the regulation on remuneration, a collective labor agreement or an employment contract.

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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