Accounting Consulting


Accounting services
  • Recording of documents and operations
  • Accounting of assets and liabilities
Tax accounting
  • Tax calculation CIT VAT
  • Tax reporting preparation
  • Filing tax returns
Financial statements
  • Preparation of accounting and financial statements
  • Submission of reports
Personnel accounting
  • Payroll calculation
  • Preparation of declarations PIT ZUS
  • Calculation of taxes and social insurance
Annual reports
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Accounting of fixed assets
  • Accounting of intangible assets
  • Depreciation of assets
Data analytics
  • Economic analysis
  • Financial analysis
  • Business analytics
Market analytics
  • Assessment of market dynamics
  • Assessment of regulation
  • Analytical reports

We provide our clients with an online 24/7 accounting format with access to accounting transactions and declarations. Convenient communications and transparent cooperation.


Accounting services for companies and individual entrepreneurs in Poland. Accounting, including bookkeeping, accounts receivable and payable, banking transactions, assets, liabilities, tax returns, and financial reports. Personnel accounting of wages, taxes and social insurance contributions. Consultations. Financial analysis and market analytics.
We understand that the prices for accounting services are important for both client and accountant. Therefore, we take into account the possible wishes of clients and also offer our options for optimal accounting services. Among such options: partial accounting – issuing invoices by the client, independent sending of prepared declarations, integration of bank accounts and others. We are open to other proposals. However, for approximate pricing, below we provide prices for services taking into account "incoming" documents on expenses, i.e. invoices, bills, receipts that come from suppliers of goods or services.


150 zł

Accounting services for entrepreneurs. KRiP, VAT, PIT, ZUS.



300 zł

Accounting services for companies with a small number of incoming documents on expenses: invoices, bills per month. CIT, VAT, PIT, ZUS, Balance sheet.



400 zł

Accounting services for companies with an average number of incoming documents on expenses: invoices, bills per month. CIT, VAT, PIT, ZUS, Balance sheet.




Individual terms depending on the activity of the client.


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News and articles

PIT-39 for 2024

When selling real estate in 2024 before five years from the end of the calendar year in which the above property was acquired or built, it is necessary to file a PIT-39 declaration before April 30, 2024.


Basic conditions for old-age pension in Poland

Old-age pension – reaching retirement age in Poland has general conditions, as in most countries, which include length of service and the amount of paid contributions for pension insurance, as well as the duration of their payment.


Maternity Leave in Poland

Every employee who has given birth to a child has the right to maternity leave, regardless of the type and conditions of her employment contract. The duration of maternity leave depends on the number of children born in one birth and is from 20 weeks.


Parental Leave / Child Care Leave

A mother or father who is an employee has the right to child care leave (urlop rodzicielski). Child care leave must be taken no later than the end of the calendar year in which the child turns 6 years old. The amount of leave is granted to both entitled persons jointly and depends on the number of children born at the same time. Employees who are parents of a child have the right to child care leave, as a rule, for 41 or 43 weeks.


Pension and early retirement for work in special working conditions

An employee has the right to receive a pension until reaching the age of 60 (for women) or 65 (for men) due to work performed in special or unhealthy conditions. One of the conditions is to maintain continuous work experience for 15 years.


Bonus / additional payment for harmful working conditions

Work in special or harmful working conditions may be additionally paid by the employer. The allowance for special working conditions is accrued to the remuneration for work performed in conditions harmful to health, as well as work requiring significant physical or mental effort, or especially dangerous work.


Bonus for length of service / years of service

Bonus (additional payment) for length of service / years of service is paid to employees of state (budget) institutions after working for a certain period of time. Employers in the commercial sector may provide this benefit voluntarily.


Bonus / additional payment for work overtime

Work overtime (wynagrodzenia za pracę w godzinach nadliczbowych) is compensated additionally. In this article, we consider the conditions of such additional payment for work overtime.


Supplement to wages for night work

An employee performing work at night has the right to receive a supplement to wages in the amount of 20% of the hourly rate at the level of the minimum wage in a given calendar year.


Tax Residence Certificate CFR-1

The term "resident" can be used in the context of residence and taxation. A CFR-1 certificate can be completed to confirm tax residency.


Sick pay and sickness benefit

An employee who is insured under sickness insurance and is on sick leave is entitled to receive sick leave compensation and sickness benefit (wynagrodzenie chorobowe i zasiłek chorobowy) on the basis of his application and after his return to work under the following conditions.


Working days in Poland in 2025

Working hours in 2025 depend on the number of working days, holidays and days off. More about working hours in the current year – here.


Increase in the wages of young workers undergoing professional training (2024–2025)

Due to the increase in the average wage (PLN 8,161.62 in the third quarter of 2024), from 1 December 2024 to 28 February 2025, the wages of young workers undergoing professional training will increase.


Increasing in co-financing of salaries of employees with disabilities

Since 2025, the amount of monthly wage subsidies paid by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (Państwowy Fundusz Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych, PFRON) has increased. Recalculation for receiving increased co-financing can be submitted from July 2024.


Contributions to social insurance of entrepreneurs in 2025

Contributions to social security of entrepreneurs in 2025 without reliefs (or duży ZUS) are determined on the basis of the projected average salary. The total amount of contributions will be PLN 1,773.96.


VAT exemption for small businesses in the EU – SME scheme

From 1 January 2025, the new VAT exemption scheme allows small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) registered in Poland to benefit from VAT exemption in any other EU Member State. Similarly, an entrepreneur from another EU Member State who carries out transactions with customers from Poland and is liable to pay VAT in Poland will be able to benefit from such an exemption.


Export of services and reverse charge VAT

Export of services means the provision of services by a Polish company or entrepreneur to buyers or customers from other countries and is usually associated with reverse charge, when the obligation to pay VAT is transferred to such buyers or customers of the service. Some conditions for reverse charge of VAT are described below.


Distance selling of goods to consumers in the EU

Distance selling of goods to consumers/buyers in the EU – B2C, business to client (wewnątrzwspólnotowa sprzedaż towarów na odległość” (WSTO)) is exempt from VAT by Polish entrepreneurs in the case of delivery of such goods to the buyer’s country and within the limit of such sales up to EUR 10,000.


Import of services and VAT

Import of services from outside the EU is subject to VAT in Poland. By simultaneously declaring the purchase of services with VAT due and deducting the same amount of VAT as input, the import of services is neutral with respect to this tax.


Split payment of the invoice

The split payment mechanism (Mechanizm podzielonej płatności (MPP), split payment) involves separate payment for goods received or services rendered: the main part of the payment (excluding tax) and VAT.


New classification of activity codes PKD from 2025

The new classification of activity codes (Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności, PKD) came into force on 1 January 2025. Companies and entrepreneurs will have 2 years to adapt their activity codes to the new classification PKD 2025.


Dear clients, partners and readers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!

Income Tax Reporting Form – JPK CIT – from 2025

From 1 January 2025, the largest corporate income taxpayers will be required to generate a new tax reporting form – a structured control file (Jednolitej Plik Kontrolnej dla podatku dochodowego osób prawnych (JPK CIT)) after the end of the tax year.


Cash tax on the income of entrepreneurs – Kasowy PIT – from 2025

The cash tax on entrepreneurs' income (Kasowy PIT), which will be applied from 2025, provides for the possibility of accounting for income for income tax purposes only upon receipt of payment from buyers of goods (services). General information on this is below.


Application of losses of previous years when calculating corporate and individual income tax

The application of losses from previous years, which were declared in the annual declaration on income tax of organizations and entrepreneurs, can be implemented within the next five years. Brief information – further.


Deadlines for submitting annual financial statements for 2024

Annual financial statements for 2024 (sprawozdanie finansowe, bilans, rachunek zysków i strat) include the preparation of reports by March 31, their approval by June 30 and submission to the National Court Register (KRS) by July 15, 2025.


PIT-28 for 2024 – submission and deadlines

When receiving taxable income from business activities based on the single registered income tax (ryczałt od przychodów ewidencjonowanych) or from rental agreements in 2024, you should submit an annual tax return in form PIT-28. The 2024 return is due April 30, 2025.


PIT-37 for 2024 – submission and deadlines

When receiving taxable income from work or employment in 2024, you should provide an annual tax return on form PIT-37. The 2024 return is due April 30, 2025. When filing a PIT-37 return, you can take advantage of tax benefits and deductions and apply for a refund of a part of your personal income tax.


PIT-36 for 2024 – submission and deadlines

If you receive taxable income from a business or other activity in 2024, you should submit an annual tax return on form PIT-36. The 2025 return is due April 30, 2025. When filing a PIT-36 return, you can take advantage of tax deductions and apply for a refund of a part of your personal income tax.


Preferential social security contributions in ZUS – Preferencyjny składki – for entrepreneurs in 2025

Preferential social security contributions – Preferencyjny składki – can be paid by an entrepreneur for the next 24 months after registration as an entrepreneur and the end of the first preferential period of 6 months. The amounts of such contributions in 2025 are described below.


Preferential social security contributions in ZUS – Mały ZUS Plus – for entrepreneurs in 2025

Preferential social security contributions – Mały ZUS Plus – can be paid by an entrepreneur for the next 36 months after registration as an entrepreneur and the end of the first and second preferential periods of 6 and 24 months. The amounts of such contributions in 2025 are described below.


Preferential contributions to social insurance in ZUS for entrepreneurs in ZUS in 2025

Starting an activity as an entrepreneur is supported by preferential, reduced contributions to his / her social insurance. We consider here the amounts and conditions of such contributions in 2025.


Health insurance contributions and income from the sale of fixed assets from 2025

An important change related to health insurance contributions from 2025 is that income from the sale of fixed assets will no longer be taken into account when calculating and paying health insurance contributions.


Contributions to health insurance for entrepreneurs in 2025

The minimum ZUS health insurance contributions in ZUS for entrepreneurs in 2025 will be lower compared to 2024 due to a reduction in the basis for calculating them based on the minimum wage for entrepreneurs paying taxes according to the tax scale (skala podatkowa), linear tax (podatek liniowy) and tax card (karta podatkowa). The basis for calculating the minimum health insurance contribution will be calculated based on 75% of the minimum wage.


Indirect export and VAT

In the case of export sales of goods by a Polish company to another EU country with their subsequent sale outside the EU, what are the requirements for applying the 0% VAT rate? This article is about this.


Minimum wage in 2025

From 1 January 2025, the minimum wage (minimalne wynagrodzenie) in Poland will be 4,666 PLN. The hourly rate will be 30.50 PLN.


Co-financing the purchase of glasses

Co-financing of the purchase of glasses by an employee from the employer (refundacja okularów przez pracodawcę) is applied in the case of their production necessity and medical indications for the employee. Briefly about this – below.


Co-financing of the employee's annual leave

Co-financing of the employee's annual leave (dofinansowanie do wypoczynku, tzw. wczasy pod gruszą) at the expense of the employer has a number of conditions. These conditions are described below.


Anniversary bonus

An anniversary bonus may be paid to employees in the case of long-term employment with one employer. What are the conditions for receiving an anniversary bonus? This is briefly considered below.


Reduced social security contributions for entrepreneurs

Starting an activity as an entrepreneur is supported by reduced contributions to his / her social insurance. We consider here the amounts and conditions of such insurance contributions in 2024.


Holidays on payment of insurance premiums by entrepreneurs in 2024

Entrepreneurs included in the CEIDG, with up to 9 employees, can take a month-long exemption from paying social security contributions (except for health insurance) every year. In 2024, a holiday on paying insurance contributions can be taken by entrepreneurs from 1 November 2024. The holiday will apply for one month – December 2024.


Family Foundation

A family foundation is a relatively new legal form created to manage and protect family assets in Poland. A brief overview of this foundation can be found in our article.


Certificate from place of work

A certificate from the place of work is a document that the employer provides to the employee in the event of termination or expiration of the employment contract. The main requirements for this certificate are in the article below.


Car insurance expenses and their accounting for income tax from 2026

From 2026, the conditions for accepting expenses for passenger car CASCO insurance in the company will change. The condition on the cost limit of PLN 150,000 will be cancelled for lease, rental or other similar agreements. This is briefly discussed below.


Car insurance expenses and their accounting for income tax and personal income tax

Accounting for expenses on car insurance in a company and used in business activities depends on the type of insurance and on the profit tax or personal income tax. More on this below.


Advances for payment of export services from Poland and VAT

Payment for services rendered to customers in other countries may be made on the condition of their prepayment (advance payment). In this case, the VAT tax liability arises from the moment of receiving such prepayment, which entails the obligation to issue an invoice for the advance payment. About some nuances in this article.


Introduction of KSEF from 2026

The introduction of a nationwide system of electronic invoices (Krajowy System e-Faktur) has been postponed to 2026 in order to finalize it, provide legislative support and stage-by-stage implementation.


Import control system in the EU (ICS2)

The EU import control system is undergoing the next stage of implementation from June 3, 2024, according to which the obligations of participants to provide preliminary information on imported goods and the timing of its implementation in 2024 and 2025 are clarified.


Supply (WDT) and acquisition (WNT) of goods in the EU and VAT

The purchase and sale of EU goods is carried out within the framework of supply (wewnątrzwspólnotowa dostawa towarów, WDT) and acquisition (wewnątrzwspólnotowa nabycie towarów, WNT) procedures. Their conditions are considered below.


Use of a company’s car for mixed – business and personal – purposes and accounting for expenses

The use of a company car is possible for business and personal purposes. However, different conditions apply to accounting for expenses for tax purposes. More on this further.


Work-based vacations in Poland

Vacation is an integral part of work’s conditions. Different types of leave are used depending on their purposes and reasons. Information about possible holidays in Poland can be found on the state web portal. Here we provide overview information.


VAT for e-commerce in the EU

Since most goods and services are sold electronically or through distance selling, in online stores, on electronic platforms, there is attention to the application of VAT in e-commerce. How e-commerce is subject to VAT in the EU, this article is about that.


Export & import of goods and VAT in the EU and Poland

The export and import of goods are influenced by many aspects: finance, customs, logistics. One of the main aspects is VAT (Value Added Tax). In this article we will look at the VAT conditions for the export and import of goods to (from) the EU and Poland.


PIT-11 brief

Filing PIT-36 or PIT-37 returns requires the use of data from the PIT-11 return. Form PIT-11 reflects information on income received, personal income tax accrued and advance payments paid for 2023.


Minimum corporate income tax (CIT) from 2024

From January 1, 2024, a new type of corporate income tax will be introduced for organizations in Poland – the minimum income tax (minimalny podatek dochodowy od osób prawnych, CIT). This tax is intended to be applied to companies with losses, that is, low income and relatively high operating costs.


Changes in VAT rates from April 2024

From April 1, 2024, VAT rates on basic food products increased from 0% to 5%, including meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and others. For some cosmetic services, VAT rates have been reduced from 23% to 8%.


Electronic invoices – e-faktury and KSEF in 2024

Beginning in 2022, taxpayers have the option of issuing electronic invoices in addition to existing paper and electronic commercial invoices. It is expected that electronic invoices, e-invoices will be mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs operating and being taxpayers in Poland from 2025.


Deadlines for submitting annual financial statements for 2023

Annual financial statements for 2023 (sprawozdanie finansowe, bilans, rachunek zysków i strat) include the preparation of reports by March 31, their approval by June 30 and submission to the National Court Register (KRS) by July 15, 2024.


PIT-28 for 2023 – submission and deadlines

When receiving taxable income from business activities based on the single registered income tax (ryczałt od przychodów ewidencjonowanych) or from rental agreements in 2023, you should submit an annual tax return in form PIT-28. The 2023 return is due April 30, 2024.


PIT-37 for 2023 – submission and deadlines

When receiving taxable income from work or employment in 2023, you should provide an annual tax return on form PIT-37. The 2023 return is due April 30, 2024. When filing a PIT-37 return, you can take advantage of tax benefits and deductions and apply for a refund of a part of your personal income tax.


PIT-36 for 2023 – submission and deadlines

If you receive taxable income from a business or other activity in 2023, you should submit an annual tax return on form PIT-36. The 2023 return is due April 30, 2024. When filing a PIT-36 return, you can take advantage of tax deductions and apply for a refund of a part of your personal income tax.


Dear clients, partners and readers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!

Social insurance contributions for entrepreneurs in 2024

For entrepreneurs in Poland, standard and reduced rates of social insurance contributions are provided. About the amount of social insurance contributions in 2024 in this article.


Health insurance contributions for entrepreneurs in Poland in 2024

In 2024, the amount of health insurance contributions paid by entrepreneurs will increase. This depends, first of all, on the form of their taxation with income tax and, further, on the size of their income.


VAT rates in the EU countries in 2023

VAT rates largely determine purchasing demand within a country and trade between countries. The standard VAT rates in the EU countries in 2023 are briefly considered in this article.


Social insurance benefits for sickness in Poland

In Poland, as in other countries with a developed health insurance system, compulsory social insurance is applied in case of temporary disability and maternity. The conditions of payments for this insurance are briefly described in this article.


Pensions in Poland upon reaching retirement age

To receive pension payments in Poland upon reaching retirement age, conditions apply regarding periods of insurance coverage, the amount of insurance contributions, indexation, compliance with the minimum pension, and others. The main ones are considered further.


Minimum wage in Poland in 2024

In 2024, the minimum wage in Poland will increase to PLN 4,242, which is PLN 3,600 from the second half of 2023. Also in 2024, the minimum hourly wage will increase to PLN 27.70 from the current rate in 2023 of PLN 23.50.


Changes in remuneration for drivers on business trips from August 2023

From August 2023, the calculation of remuneration for drivers in Poland when they carry out international transportation in the territory of another EU country has changed. The changes include the possibility of compensation for additional expenses, deductions for social insurance contributions and personal income tax, and limiting the basis for calculating social insurance contributions to the average salary.


Websites about real estate in Poland

Real estate websites can be used to buy, sell, rent, or otherwise deal with real estate, such as getting a mortgage. More on this briefly below.


Taxes related to vehicles of individuals in Poland

When buying, selling and owning a vehicle, in Poland, as in other countries, the relevant taxes are paid. A brief description of these transport-related taxes for individuals further.


State social payments for children in Poland

Assistance to families with children is given much attention in the social policy of Poland. In this brief review, we will consider the main types of state social payments for children.


Regulation of transfer pricing in Poland and EU

Transfer pricing may be present in the activities of international companies that have subsidiaries, branches in different countries. Globalization and open markets determine the importance of transfer pricing for tax purposes. Briefly about the regulation of transfer pricing in Poland and EU countries - in this article.


Non-financial reporting in Poland and EU countries

Non-financial reporting is prepared, as a rule, by large companies to present social processes and the results of their activities as a mandatory form for their annual financial statements. Interest in publishing non-financial reporting on a voluntary or expanded basis has been noted recently due to attention to environmental and social agendas. About the main parameters of non-financial reporting in Poland and EU countries - further.


New guarantees and labour rights for workers in the EU from 2023

Since 2023, new guarantees and labor rights of workers have appeared in the labour legislation of the EU Member States in accordance with the EU Directives regarding transparent and predictable working conditions, maintaining a balance between work and personal time and, in general, bringing labor standards to changes in the labor market.


Personal income tax on the sale of real estate

Significant amounts of income and expenses when buying and selling real estate determine their taxation as one of the main ones in personal finance. How to take into account income depending on the period of ownership of real estate, its acquisition under a loan agreement (mortgage), in the order of donation (inheritance), how to file a tax return, about these issues in the article below.


Dear clients, partners and readers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!

Some changes in social security contributions from 2023

Some generally quantitative changes regarding social security contributions will apply from 2023. Among them: accounting for social insurance contributions as tax expenses in the month of their payment to social insurance funds, the amount of minimum contributions to health insurance in connection with a change in the minimum wage and the amount of social insurance contributions for the so-called "small social insurance contributions".


Taxation of income from civil law contracts and PCC declarations in Poland

Along with income from labor and entrepreneurial activities, in ordinary life there is income from the sale of a car, real estate, from donations, that is, in accordance with various civil law agreements. These incomes require appropriate taxation and reporting, that is, the filing of PCC declarations (podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych). More on this further in this article.


Tax deduction for the sale of real estate in Poland

One of the types of income subject to personal income tax is income from the sale of real estate. The real estate tax deduction, as a rule, is associated with the costs of purchasing a house, apartment, land, which are deductible or reduce personal income tax. What features of the tax deduction apply in Poland? More on this briefly below.


Work trip expenses and wages of employees (drivers) of transport companies

From 2022, the expenses of transport companies in Poland for the remuneration of employees (drivers) on work trips differ depending on where the trip takes place – domestically or abroad, as well as on the amount of wages (compensation of travel expenses), which affects the amount of personal income tax and social security contributions. More on this further.


Work trip expenses, their amounts and compensation conditions in Poland

Work trip expenses are an important item of expenditure in the activities of the company and the entrepreneur. Compensation of expenses varies depending on the location of the work trip: within the country or in another country, its duration, the transport used and other conditions.


Leasing in Poland: some commercial and tax conditions for cars

Leasing as a financial instrument in business activities in Poland generally complies with the same generally accepted conditions as in other EU countries. Some general and specific commercial and tax leasing conditions for passenger cars are provided below.


Corporate income tax (CIT) in Poland

Income tax is related to the financial result of the company. Along with the general conditions for applying income tax for the difference between income and expenses of a company, there are some specifics in Poland regarding its payment, exemption conditions, rates, and benefits, which are provided below.


Value Added Tax in Poland

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Poland has largely the same conditions for its application, as in other countries. Some features of the conditions, rates, and procedure for VAT taxation in Poland are given below.


Employee Pension Plan (Pracowniczy Plan Kapitałowy, PPK) in Poland

The Employee Pension Plan (Pracowniczy Plan Kapitałowy, PPK) in Poland is a form of professional pension plan with automatic subscription. These are retirement savings in which the employee, the employer and the state participate. Occupational pension insurance for an employee is additional to the mandatory form to increase the size of the future pension. The main conditions of the pension plan are below.


Income tax expenses, deductions and benefits for employees in 2022

From 2022, the conditions for personal income tax deductions are changing in connection with the Polski Ład and Niskie Podatki programmes. You can deduct deductible expenses and apply for tax credits for a number of reasons, including on a monthly basis or on your annual PIT return. Below are the conditions, list of tax deductions and examples.


Income tax calculation with spouse in 2022

When is it appropriate to choose a joint tax settlement with your spouse? Filing jointly for taxes is generally beneficial when the taxpayer's and spouse's "total" income tax is less than the sum of their individual taxes. However, there are situations when a separate tax calculation is more beneficial. Read more about the terms of a joint tax settlement in this article.


Income tax benefits for taxpayers – parents with children in 2022

For taxpayers with children in Poland, additional tax deductions and benefits apply. Preferential taxation of taxpayers – parents with children depends on the size and sources of income of parents and children, the age of children, the availability of studies, the receipt of benefits, etc. The article below provides the conditions for taxing the income of taxpayers – parents with children.


Health insurance contributions for entrepreneurs in 2022

The Polski Ład programme has made changes to the health insurance premiums for entrepreneurs in 2022. Among them are the rates and conditions for deducting health insurance premiums in expenses depending on the form of taxation of the entrepreneur, the terms and conditions for submitting reporting forms, setting the minimum contribution, and others.


Deadlines for tax reporting and payment of taxes on income of entrepreneurs for 2022

From 2022, some deadlines for filing tax returns and paying taxes for 2022, as well as the conditions for switching to another form of taxation of activities for an entrepreneur, will change.


Minimum wage in Poland in 2022 and 2023

One of the important conditions for work is the minimum wage set annually in Poland. In 2022, the minimum wage is set at PLN 3,010 and in 2023 it will grow to PLN 3,600. This is briefly described below.

Updated 20.09.2022

PIT-2 and PIT-0 tax deductions for personal income tax in 2022

Due to the introduction of the Niskie Podatki programme in 2022 and a change in a number of conditions for calculating PIT – personal income tax, employees can submit additional applications to take into account the tax deductions offered by these programs. These applications include declarations PIT-2 and PIT-0.


Procedure and initial conditions of employment in Poland

The procedure and initial conditions of employment in Poland are largely the same as in other countries with the conclusion of an employment contract, passing a medical examination, training on occupational health and safety, etc. However, there are some features that should be taken into account when applying for a job and employment in Poland.


Individual PESEL tax number and trusted profile in Poland

To interact with government agencies in Poland, you may need an individual tax number (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, PESEL) and a trusted profile (Profil Zaufany). Below are the main conditions for obtaining them and useful links.


Registration of a company and an entrepreneur in Poland

Registration of a company and an individual entrepreneur in Poland follows a similar procedure as in other countries with a choice of organizational form, types of activities, forms of taxation and other conditions. Below are some features when opening and registering a business in Poland and useful links.


Forms of taxation of individual entrepreneurship in Poland

There are four forms of taxation of individual entrepreneurship in Poland: General, in accordance with the tax scale, Line tax, Unified or single (lump-sum) tax on registered income, and Tax card. These forms are compared in the article.


Minimum corporate income tax in 2022

From January 1, 2022, it is planned to introduce a new type of corporate income tax for organizations in Poland - the minimum income tax (minimalny podatek dochodowy od osób prawnych, CIT) as part of the Polski Ład program for the restoration and development of the Polish economy. This tax is supposed to apply to companies with losses, that is, low income and relatively high operating costs.


Personal income tax in 2022

From 2022, the rates, procedure and conditions for calculating personal income tax are changing. This is due to the introduction of the Polski Ład and Niskie Podatki programs for the recovery of the Polish economy after the Covid-19 pandemic.


Electronic invoices - e-faktury in 2022

From 2022, taxpayers will be able to issue electronic invoices in addition to existing paper and commercial invoices in electronic form. It is expected that electronic invoices, e-invoices will be mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs operating and being taxpayers in Poland from 2024.


Extension of deadlines for submission of annual financial statements in 2022

In 2022, as well as in 2021, the deadlines for the preparation, approval and submission of annual financial statements were extended by 3 months. The annual financial statements must be provided to shareholders by September 15, approved by the shareholders' representative body by September 30, and sent to the National Court Register by October 15, 2022.


PIT-37(36) – filling and deadline in 2022

If you receive taxable income from wages, business activities, sale or rental of property in 2021, you must submit annual tax returns on Forms of declarations PIT-37 and PIT-36. Declarations for 2021 are submitted until May 02, 2022. Also, within the framework of PIT-36 and PIT-37, you can take advantage of tax benefits and deductions and apply for a refund of part of the personal income tax.




Economy. Markets. Analytics.

E-commerce trends in the EU

The dynamics of e-commerce as part of the EU economy demonstrates new trends that are of interest to entrepreneurs and companies. What types of online purchases were popular in the EU in 2021–2023? What kind of e-commerce dynamics are countries demonstrating? The answers to these and other questions in our overview.

May 5 2024

(Zero) Growth Instead of Recession: Brief and Short-Term Estimates

One of the current issues on the agenda of most economic debates and assessments is the possibility of a recession in 2023 and in the short term until 2024. What factors, indicators can affect recession risks, what are their dynamics and what are the economic forecasts? This analytics is in our brief review.

July 15 2023

Brief Overview of Inflation 2022

Inflation in 2022 has become the most significant socio-economic indicator, which, in turn, has affected the incomes of citizens around the world. In this brief overview, we present our notes on some aspects of last year’s inflation.

May 04 2023


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