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Bonus for length of service / years of service

Bonus (additional payment) for length of service / years of service is paid to employees of state (budget) institutions after working for a certain period of time. Employers in the commercial sector may provide this benefit voluntarily.

Additional payment for length of service is paid to employees of the public sector and is due for a certain length of service, for example, for such employees as teachers, employees of the courts, prosecutors, civil servants, professional military personnel, civil servants, nurses, railway workers.

Additional payment (additional payment) for length of service is paid after 5 years of work in the amount of 5% of the monthly basic salary. The additional payment increases by 1% of the monthly remuneration for each year of work, but not more than 20% of the employee's monthly salary.

For employees of commercial organizations, such an additional payment may be introduced by the employer; the terms of its payment must be included in the labor regulations or in the collective (individual) labor contract.

An additional article on this topic is available at the link.

The additional payment for length of service is an addition / supplement to the minimum wage.

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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