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Minimum corporate income tax in 2022

From January 1, 2022, it is planned to introduce a new type of corporate income tax for organizations in Poland – the minimum income tax (minimalny podatek dochodowy od osób prawnych, CIT) в рамках программы Polski Ład as part of the Polski Ład program for the restoration and development of the Polish economy. This tax is supposed to apply to companies with losses, that is, low income and relatively high operating costs.

The minimum income tax applies to almost all CIT taxpayers: who have their seat or domicile in the territory of Poland and are therefore subject to taxation on all their income, regardless of where they are received, or to Polish non-residents acting through a foreign institution located on the territory of the country.

Those who pay personal income tax, individual entrepreneurs and some companies whose partners are only payers of personal income tax are not taxpayersof the minimum corporate income tax.

The following are exempt from the minimum corporate income tax:

The main condition for the minimum corporate income tax will be low income or tax loss criteria. It will be paid by taxpayers, which:

The tax base for the minimum corporate income tax will be the sum of four groups of values:

1) an amount corresponding to 4% of the value of income (from the source of income, except for capital gains) received by the taxpayer in the tax year, and

2) debt financing costs incurred on behalf of related parties - in an amount exceeding the value of the coefficient calculated as 30% of the difference between the organization's income (excluding interest income only) and the organization's expenses (excluding depreciation and debt financing costs), and

3) the value of deferred income tax resulting from the disclosure in tax calculations of an intangible asset that has not yet been amortized, to the extent that this results in an increase in gross profit or a decrease in gross loss, and

4) 4) expenses for an amount exceeding PLN 3 million, in an amount calculated according to the formula, where the basis for the amount is 5% of the difference between income (except interest income) and expenses (except depreciation and interest expenses).

The calculation base will be 4% of income, which in certain cases will be additionally increased by amounts specified by the legislator (for example, costs for debt financing or costs for specific intangible services that were incurred in favor of related parties and exceed the established limits).

Any reductions and tax deductions that reduce the tax base of the taxpayer in a given year are deducted from the tax base calculated in this way, with the exception of writing off bad debts, i.e. for unreliable payments.

The tax rate for the minimum corporate income tax is set at 10%.

An example of calculating the minimum corporate income tax:

operatingincome and all types of profit (except capital gains) costs charged in the current year to operating income and all other income (excluding capital gains)* = result as a loss (costs > income) tax
np. 200,000 220,000 = – 20,000 yes


operatingincome and all types of profit (except capital gains) costs charged in the current year to operating income and all other income (excluding capital gains)* = result as criterion > 0 (no loss) determine whether the share of income in income does not exceed 1%** налог
np. 200,000 180,000 = 20,000 20,000 > 2,000 no, 10% > 1%
np. 200,000 199,000 = 1,000 1,000 < 2,000 yes, 0,5% < 1%

* exclude from the cost group the costs arising from the acquisition or improvement of fixed assets, as well as the costs of writing off depreciation on these fixed assets (only the costs of fixed assets are excluded, and the costs of intangible assets are not deducted),

** calculation: share = result x 100 / income.

The minimum corporate income tax paid can be deducted from corporate income tax in subsequent years, regardless of whether this tax is capital income or non-capital income of the organization. You can make a deduction on your CIT-8 annual tax return within 3 years of the year in which the minimum corporate income was paid. The deduction of the tax paid can be applied both in the case when the taxpayer has an income of up to 1% over the next 3 years (and must pay the minimum tax again), and when his income in these years exceeds this 1% and the minimum tax already in these subsequent years does not occur.

It is expected that the deadline for paying the minimum corporate income tax will be by the deadline for filing a tax return for 2022 or 2023, subject to proposed changes.

Amendments to the law on income tax and some other laws are currently being considered regarding the entry into force of the provisions on the minimum corporate income tax, including the suspension of the application of the innovation for 1 year, i.e. from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 due to significant political and economic turmoil in the global economy.

It is also expected to make changes to the structure of the tax itself, i.e. in particular:

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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