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PIT-28 for 2023 – submission and deadlines

Annual financial statements for 2023 (sprawozdanie finansowe, bilans, rachunek zysków i strat) include the preparation of reports by March 31, their approval by June 30 and submission to the National Court Register (KRS) by July 15, 2024.

These deadlines apply to limited liability companies, joint stock companies, other commercial and non-profit organizations, income tax payers and, if their financial year coincides with the calendar year and ended on December 31, 2023.

Deadlines for submitting annual financial statements for 2023.

Actions Deadlines Dates
Balance sheet / financial statement preparation date 31th of December December 31, 2023
Closing the books for 2023 Within 3 months from the balance date March 31, 2024
Preparation of a report on turnover and account balances for 2023 Within 85 days from the balance date March 25, 2024
Preparation / signing of annual financial statements for 2023 Within 3 months from the balance date March 31, 2024
Providing shareholders with annual reporting No later than 15 days before the date of the meeting
Approval of annual reporting by the representative body No later than 6 months from the reporting date June 30, 2024
Final closing of books for 2023 Within 15 days from the date of approval of the financial statements July 15, 2024
Submission of approved reporting to the National Judicial Register Within 15 days from the date of approval of the financial statements July 15, 2024

State websites eKRS and S24 allow to submit annual financial statements in electronic form.

Submission of the annual income tax form CIT-8 for income (losses) for 2023 and tax payment is due on April 2, 2024.

In 2024, the minimum corporation tax (CIT) also begins to apply.

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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