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Co-financing the purchase of glasses

Co-financing of the purchase of glasses by an employee from the employer (refundacja okularów przez pracodawcę) is applied in the case of their production necessity and medical indications for the employee. Briefly about this – below.

The employer may participate in co-financing the purchase of glasses within the framework of his obligation under the Labor Regulation to provide employees with personal protective equipment in the workplace, its interest in the health of the employee.

The obligation to co-finance the purchase of glasses may also arise in the case of recommendations to the employee during a periodic medical examination. Specific conditions for co-financing the purchase of glasses depend on the workplace and internal regulations of the employer, commercial organization. Co-financing can be full or partial, for example, in the amount of 200–300 zł. As a rule, the cost of co-financing covers the basic standard cost of glasses and frames. Co-financing can be regular, for example, once every two or three years, or paid one-time.

What can be the procedure for co-financing the purchase of glasses (corrective glasses)?

1. Undergoing a check-up, preventive examination by an ophthalmologist.

2. Providing the employer with a medical certificate confirming the need to use glasses.

3. Providing the employer with an invoice for the purchase of glasses.

Co-financing of the purchase of contact lenses is also possible.

Co-financing of the purchase of glasses can be at the expense of the National Health Fund (Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia) in the established amounts depending on the state of vision.

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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