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Bonus / additional payment for work overtime

Work overtime (wynagrodzenia za pracę w godzinach nadliczbowych) is compensated additionally. In this article, we consider the conditions of such additional payment for work overtime.

The working hours of persons employed under an employment contract are usually 8 hours a day and 40 hours in a five-day workweek. If an employee remains at the workplace beyond this standard working hours or other working hours established by the employer, then such work is performed overtime.

Compensation for overtime work may be provided in the form of leave or additional payment.

The amount of leave (time off) for overtime work is provided for the same duration of overtime hours worked, if the application is from the employee, and in the amount of half of the overtime hours worked, if the employer provides time off voluntarily, without an application from the employee. If overtime work cannot be compensated by time off, the employee must be paid overtime pay.

According to the Labor Code, in addition to regular wages, the employee is entitled to a bonus for overtime work in the amount of:

The basis for calculating the bonus for overtime work is the employee's remuneration, determined by the monthly or hourly rate, or 60% of the bonus if there are additional payments to the bonus.

Calculation of the premium for 1 hour of overtime work:

Wages with additional payments : number of hours of work in a given month of the calendar year * 50% or 100% depending on the type of overtime work.

The premium for night work is a bonus to the minimum wage.

More information on overtime pay with relevant examples is available at the link in the article.

You can use the calculator to calculate the premium for overtime work.

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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