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Individual PESEL tax number and trusted profile in Poland

To interact with government agencies in Poland, you may need an individual tax number (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, PESEL) and a trusted profile (Profil Zaufany). Below are the main conditions for obtaining them and useful links.

An individual PESEL tax number can be obtained automatically when registering at the place of residence in the municipality or a separate application for one can be made.

When registering at the place of residence, documents confirming the place of residence in Poland for a period of more than 30 days must be attached.

The PESEL number application form can be downloaded and completed at home or obtained from the municipality.

The application for a PESEL number can be submitted in person or through a representative by proxy.

Assigning a PESEL number is free of charge.

If there are grounds for an individual tax number, a PESEL number notification will be issued.

A trusted profile is a verified personal account (Profil Zaufany) (trusted signature), that can be used to receive state and municipal services in electronic form (Elektroniczna platforma usług administracji publicznej, EPUAP). A trusted profile can be created by anyone with a PESEL number and full or limited legal capacity.

A trusted profile can be created by registering on a government website. Initially, you need to register your account with the last name, first name, individual PESEL number, email address and phone number. Next, you need to choose one of five ways to verify a trusted profile:

1) via an Internet account in one of the banks: PKO Bank, Inteligo, Santander, Bank Pekao, mBank, ING, Millennium Bank, Alior Bank, BNP Paribas, BOŚ Bank, Credit Agricole Bank, Getin Bank, Envelo;

2) using an electronic identity card (e-proof) and an NFC (Near Field Communication) reader;

3) with a qualified electronic signature;

4) confirmation in a video interview with a manager;

5) confirmation at one of the points indicated for confirmation.

In the case of applying online with subsequent confirmation, it is necessary to confirm the creation of a trusted profile within 14 days from the date of submission of the application. If this period has passed, then a new application will need to be submitted in the created account. Confirmation points for foreigners are also available abroad.

Once the trusted profile has been verified, it can be used. Getting a trusted profile is free. The trusted profile is valid for 3 years with a subsequent renewal for the next 3 years.

Author: Natalia Grishchenko


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